Tribal Engagement Strategy

Tribal Engagement Strategy

SW CASC Engagement

The Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (SW CASC) acknowledges that tribes, as the original stewards of the land, are at the forefront of addressing climate change when their languages, culture, and deep connections to the land remain intact. Innovative strategies, influenced by traditional knowledge, advance their actions in climate change adaptation, and the SW CASC works to collaborate, support, and partner with tribes in their efforts. The SW CASC engages with tribal partners and provides funding opportunities and technical support to advance tribal communities in their climate adaptation initiatives. The SW CASC Tribal Engagement Strategy report provides a vision for tribal engagement in the SW CASC region, which covers California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. We have recently started the process of updating the Tribal Engagement Plan.

SWCASC Logo with Tribal Engagement Strategy text

SWCASC Tribal Engagement Strategy

The SW CASC seeks to partner with tribal communities in the Southwest to share knowledge and co-develop approaches for effective climate adaptation. The SW CASC has placed the Tribal Engagement Strategy at the center of its strategic planning process.

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Map of the southwest region of the US with land acknowledgement mapping.

Digital Land Acknowledgement Mapping Tool

Native Land is an app to help map Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages.


View Maps

Cynthia Naha and Anissa McKenna work for the Southwest CASC and American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) as Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons. They work across the SW CASC region of California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona to connect 159 Federally Recognized Tribal Nations to tools, information, and other climate resilience resources. Contact Cynthia at and Anissa at