SWAF 2022
Hosted by the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC), the South Central CASC, USDA Southwest Climate Hub, and Southwest Decision Resources, SWAF was held at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM. SWAF began in the afternoon of October 10th, and ended in the afternoon of October 12th, and built on the work started at the 2018 and 2021 SWAFs, further exploring topics relevant to adaptation practitioners in the Southwest, such as cultural burning, drought, and ecosystem transformation.
SWAF 2022 Agenda

- Opening Session and Reception

- The Big Picture
- Issues and Efforts
- Adaptation Tools and Decision Support

- Toward Effective Adaptive Implementation
- Moving Forward
Statement on Indigenous People’s Day
To honor the extensive and deep-rooted contributions of Indigenous peoples to the culture, prosperity, and governance of the Southwest, and in keeping with President Biden’s 2021 Proclamation on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the hosts of the Southwest Adaptation Forum chose to begin the 2022 meeting on October 10 (a Federal holiday) and to incorporate speakers, activities, and principles that celebrate those contributions. Participating on this day meant sacrificing a holiday for many of us, and we truly are grateful for your willingness to do so. We designed a program that we believe was rewarding, with meaningful relationships, better understanding of adaptation needs, and insights from hearing others’ perspectives.
DAY ONE - view Presentation Slides
Introduction & Overview
Carolyn Enquist (Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center/ USGS), Mike Langston (South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center/ USGS), Tahnee Robertson (Southwest Decision Resources), and Emile Elias (USDA Southwest Climate Hub) welcome participants to the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
Forum Blessing & Welcome
Santa Ana Pueblo Councilman, Juan Montoya, welcomes attendees to the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum and offers a blessing on the first day of the event. Disclaimer: due to technical difficulties the beginning of Juan's introduction by USDA Southwest Climate Hub Director, Emile Elias, is not included in this video.
A Welcome from Secretary Deb Haaland
Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, offers a welcome address to attendees of the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum during the first day of the event. She provides updates from the Department of the Interior, honors Indigenous Peoples' Day, and introduces the goals of SWAF 2022.
Opening Address from Ann Marie Chischilly
Ann Marie Chischilly (Diné, NAU, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals) gives the opening address on day one of the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum. Ann Marie welcomes attendees and stresses the importance of climate adaptation work.
DAY TWO - View Presentation Slides
Climate Adaptation in the Southwest
Gregg Garfin (Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center/ University of Arizona) and Carolyn Enquist (Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center/ USGS) present on climate adaptation in the Southwest during day two of the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum.
Integrating All Voices and Knowledges into Climate Adaptation
A panel on integrating all voices and knowledges takes questions from the audience at the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum. The panel includes Beth Rose Middleton (UC Davis), April Taylor (South Central CASC Tribal Liaison), and Cynthia Naha (NM Tribal Resiliency Action Network and Picuris Pueblo).
Critical Issues: Drought & Aridification
Molly McCormick (USGS Restoration Assessment & Monitoring Program for the Southwest) gives an overview of the status of and trends in drought and aridification in the American Southwest during day two of SWAF 2022.
Critical Issues: Fire and Flood
Rachel Loehman (U.S. Geological Survey) and Jeannie Barlow (U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Water Science Center) give an overview of status and trends related to fire and flood during day two of SWAF 2022. Rachel presents in-person and Jeannie presents via Zoom.
Critical Issues: Fire and Flood
The Critical Issues: Fire and Flood session at the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum included presentations from two speakers. Carolyn Enquist (Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center/ USGS) gave a presentation on the Southwest Fire and Climate Adaptation Partnership (SWFireCAP). More information about SWFireCAP can be found on their website: https://www.swfirecap.org/ Collin Haffee (New Mexico State Forestry Division) presented about post-fire flooding.
Adaptation Tools & Decision Support Approaches (Part 1)
Emile Elias (USDA Southwest Climate Hub) gives an overview of the Adaptation Tools & Decision Support Approaches session on day two of the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum. Four other speakers present on resource collections, libraries and stories.
Adaptation Tools & Decision Support Approaches (Part 2)
Three speakers present on data, projections, and analyses during the Adaptation Tools & Decision Support Approaches session at the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum. Skye Aney (NM State University/ USDA Southwest Climate Hub) presented first on Grass-Cast, a grassland productivity forecast tool from the USDA. Megan Friggens (USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station) presented second on a landscape scale vulnerability assessment for the Southwest. Justin Huntington (Desert Research Institute) presented last on the Climate Engine Research App.
Adaptation Tools & Decision Support Processes (Part 3)
Three presenters discuss adaptation decision support processes at the Southwest Adaptation Forum 2022. Presenter 1 is Carolyn Enquist (Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center/ USGS) talking about the Sierra Nevada Climate Refugia and Structured Decision-making. Presenter 2 is Lauren Kramer (USDA Southwest Climate Hub) sharing an overview of adaptation decision processes and menus. Presenter 3 is Lindsey Quam (New Mexico Forestry Division) who gives examples of the adaptation menus in use.
Integrating Science, Data and Knowledges Panel
Integrating Science, Data and Knowledges panel presentation and table discussions during day three of the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum. The panel was moderated by Cynthia Naha (NM Tribal Resiliency Action Network and Picuris Pueblo). Panelists included: Sharon Hausam (South Central CASC) -- Indigenous Data Sovereignty (CARE and FAIR), Dennis Dye (SW Polytechnic Institute) -- A Sovereign Digital Network System for Environmental Monitoring on Tribal Lands Atherton Phleger (Rootstock Consulting) -- SW Tribal Adaptation Menu, and Nina Fontana (Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center/ UC Davis) -- Cultural Fire
Emerging Indigenous Leaders Panel: Cultural Fire
Five panelists took part in the Emerging Indigenous Leaders Panel on day two of the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum. The Panel was moderated by Carolyn Enquist (USGS, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center). The panelists included: Melinda Adams (UC Davis, PhD Student, Native American Studies, Institute of the Environment), Carlie Domingues (SW CASC, PhD Candidate, UC Davis), Nina Fontana (SW CASC, Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Davis), Deniss Martinez (UC Davis, PhD Student, Ecology), and Will Madrigal, Jr. (Tribal Capacities and Partnerships Program Manager, Climate Science Alliance).
DAY THREE - View Presentation Slides
Introduction & Overview
Carolyn Enquist (Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center/ USGS) and Mike Langston (South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center/ USGS) give an introduction to and overview of the third day of the 2022 Southwest Adaptation Forum. They discuss what was covered at SWAF 2022 and next steps for climate adaptation in the Southwest.
Next Steps coming soon!