Welcome to the SW CASC Blog!

The Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (SW CASC) is one of eight regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers under the Department of the Interior, managed by the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Climate Adaptation Science Center. We are a collaborative partnership between USGS and a consortium of seven academic institutions from across the region: University of Arizona (Host Institution), Colorado State University, Desert Research Institute, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, University of California, Davis, University of California, Los Angeles, Utah State University.
We work with natural and cultural resource managers to develop and deliver scientific information and techniques to anticipate, monitor, and adapt to climate change in the southwestern United States. This space will be a forum to share the amazing work coming from our Principal Investigators, students and post docs, as well as our Tribal affiliates. We will be posting presentation reviews, event summaries, research highlights, and interviews, while keeping up with current events. Posts will primarily be written by the SW CASC communications team, but we will feature other staff members and affiliates. Stay tuned!