The 2022 SWAF, hosted by the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC), the South Central CASC, USDA Southwest Climate Hub, and Southwest Decision Resources, was be held at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM (2401 12th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104). SWAF began in the afternoon of October 10th, and ended in the afternoon of October 12th, and built on the work started at the 2018 and 2021 SWAFs, further exploring topics relevant to adaptation practitioners in the Southwest, such as cultural burning, drought, and ecosystem transformation.
SWAF Statement on Indigenous People’s Day
To honor the extensive and deep-rooted contributions of Indigenous peoples to the culture, prosperity, and governance of the Southwest, and in keeping with President Biden’s 2021 Proclamation on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the hosts of the Southwest Adaptation Forum have chosen to begin our 2022 meeting on October 10 (a Federal holiday) and to incorporate speakers, activities, and principles that celebrate those contributions. Participating on this day will mean sacrificing a holiday for many of us, and we truly are grateful for your willingness to do so. We have designed a program that we believe will reward you with meaningful relationships, better understanding of adaptation needs, and the insights from hearing others’ perspectives.