Southwest Adaptation Forum
The Southwest Adaptation Forum (SWAF) is the gathering of climate adaptation leaders, researchers, and practitioners across the Southwest U.S., to exchange best practices around efforts that are advancing climate adaptation and resilience in the region. SWAF is a regional forum of the National Adaptation Forum.
In collaboration with partners, the SW CASC has hosted three forums, in-person in 2018, virtual in 2021, and in-person in 2022. Click the links below to learn more about each forum.
Thank you to SWAF 2024
We want to thank the Southwest Adaptation Forum (SWAF) for the interesting and enlightening discussions that were had! There were 165 participants this year. SWAF is now co-convened which has expanded and diversified the participants and further developed shared leadership and support for the Forum.
SWAF was co-convened with: The USDA Southwest Climate Hub, The USGS Ecosystems Mission Area/Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, Southwest Decision Resources, The University of Arizona Indigenous Resilience Center, The Southwest Fire Science Consortium/Arizona Wildfire Initiative. The Department of Defense Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, and the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station
This event provided an opportunity for managers, stakeholders, and educators to come together to discuss the current issues facing the Southwest and how we might adapt to them while considering how unity between different levels of management could help alleviate these challenges.