Transboundary Madrean Watersheds Workshop


Noon – 1 p.m., Sept. 21, 2016
Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Transboundary Madrean Watersheds Workshop
September 21-22, 2016
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
This binational (and bilingual) workshop is the next major step in crafting a landscape conservation design for the Transboundary Madrean Watersheds area (map).  This workshop will build on your work, align efforts for collective impact, and produce useful tools to guide future management.  Your participation is critical to ensuring that outcomes are useful and relevant to ongoing work in the Madrean.
This interactive workshop will include presentations and breakout group work, focusing on:

1.     The importance of the Transboundary Madrean Watersheds landscape and management challenges and opportunities in this region.

2.     Landscape Conservation Planning and Design process, progress, desired outcomes, and available data and tools.

3.     Shared conservation goals in the Madrean landscape.

4.     Priority resources (species/communities, ecosystem, ecosystem services, and socio-cultural) for the Madrean landscape to inform subsequent analysis, scenario development and spatial design.

5.     Locally relevant strategies to achieve shared conservation goals.

Co-hosted by:
Southwest Climate Science Center and UA School of Natural Resources
For more information or questions:
Tahnee Robertson, Southwest Decision Resources (
Colleen Whitaker, Southwest Decision Resources (
Louise Misztal, Sky Island Alliance (