SWCASC Fellow Named McGinnies Scholar!

Former SW CASC Natural Resources Workforce Development (NRWD) fellow, Sonia Delphin-Perez, has been named the 45th Awardee of the William G. McGinnies Graduate Scholarship in Arid Lands Studies. Congratulations, Sonia!
Sonia is a PhD candidate in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Arizona, where she studies land-use planning and natural resource governance in the Global South. Originally from Paraguay, Sonia’s research is concerned with informing more sustainable land use that considers social and environmental forces.
As a ‘20-’21 SW CASC NRWD fellow, Sonia explored interdisciplinary collaboration and stakeholder engagement as ways to inform science-based land management decisions.
We wish you all the best in your future work, Sonia!