SW CASC Welcomes New Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral Fellow!

The Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (SW CASC), is pleased to welcome Farah Nusrat as the SW CASC member of the "Future of Aquatic Flows" cohort of the Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral (CAP) Fellows Program. During this two-year Fellowship, Farah will be situated at Utah State University and will work with partners and water managers to define instream flows to protect aquatic ecosystems and provide a resilient water supply for the Great Salt Lake and its watershed.
Farah received her Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the University of Rhode Island. Her Ph.D. research was on climate-water-health nexus, where she worked to link hydroclimatic variables with water availability and how that impacts waterborne diarrheal diseases. She developed geospatial models to forecast the risk of diarrheal diseases and created risk maps for floods, and droughts. She also designed and executed an early-warning mobile application, “CholeraMap,” to disseminate cholera risk directly to the public. She has experience working in interdisciplinary teams and before starting her graduate studies, she worked as a Disaster Risk Management Consultant for The World Bank in Bangladesh.
The CAP Fellows program provides cohorts of early-career researchers with management-relevant research experiences on the effects of climate change on fish, wildlife and ecosystems. The Future of Aquatic Flows cohort will explore how climate change contributes to changes in aquatic flows across the nation, how these changes will affect the long-term sustainability of ecosystems, and how climate can be integrated into establishing and maintaining environmental flow standards.