SW CASC Welcomes 2023-2024 NRWD Fellowship Cohort!

June 8, 2023
Collage of NRWD Fellows

The Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center is excited to announce the selection of the 2023-2024 Natural Resource Workforce Development Fellowship cohort. The SW CASC NRWD Fellowship continues to provide opportunities for graduate students to receive training and practical experience in the development of use-inspired and actionable science to inform natural resource management decisions in the Southwest region.

As a collaborative initiative, seven graduate students from institutions within the SW CASC consortium will work together to explore this year’s team science theme: the phenomena of increasing aridity in the Southwest and its role in contributing to the megadrought.

To learn more about the accomplished individuals selected for the 2023-2024 NRWD Fellowship, please visit the cohort webpage.