SW CASC Co-sponsoring Event for Graduate Students This Friday
Panel discussion on Translational Ecology to feature

Graduate students are invited to a brown bag lunch and panel discussion this Friday, Nov. 9 from 12:30-2pm at the ENR2 building in room N604. The topic of the discussion will be "The Promise, Practice, and Prospects of Translational Ecology". The panelists for the discussion are Don Falk, Professor in SNRE, Monica Ramirez-Andreotta, Assistant Professor in SWES, and Elise Gornish, Cooperative Extension Specialist at SNRE. The panelists' remarks will be followed by an open discussion and time for questions. Students should bring their own lunch; drinks and cookies will be provided. Interested students should RSVP with Amanda Leinberger at aleinberger@email.arizona.edu. The event is co-sponsored by the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center and the Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions.
Flyear for Translational Ecology Brown Bag Lunch and Discussion