Southwest CASC Now Hiring Research Coordinator

The Southwest, Midwest, and North Central Climate Adaptation Science Centers are now hiring Research Coordinators. The Southwest CASC Research Coordinator will assist in the development, execution, and management of multi-disciplinary research projects that address climate impacts in the Southwest region.
Research Coordinator duties include: (1) Engaging with scientific efforts, coordinating with managers, researchers, and community members to ensure high quality and continuity in project progress across a broad variety of climate adaptation related topics; (2) Synthesizing project management related data into meaningful, useable databases and other accessible structures; (3) Preparing and delivering oral and written summaries syntheses, reports, documents, briefing materials, fact sheets, handouts, and summaries of climate science relevant to research and natural and cultural resource management partners; (4) Planning and organizing meetings, conferences and/or workshops; and (5) Assisting with development, execution, and management of multi-disciplinary research projects, which cross organizational boundaries, to address climate impacts to priority species and habitats.
The Southwest CASC Research Coordinator position is remote, but applicants must reside in California, Utah, Nevada or Arizona in order to be eligible. The government-wide direct hire authority for 0401 Biologist and 1301 Physical Scientist are being used to fill this position at the GS 12-13 level. The application period for all three positions will close midnight (ET) on April 6, 2023, or when 200 applications have been received. Additional information about the positions, application requirements, and how to apply can be found on the USA Jobs portal.