Cynthia Naha Joins SW CASC & AIHEC as New Senior Tribal Liaison!

The Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (SW CASC) and American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) are excited to welcome Cynthia Naha, who is a member of the Hopi Tribe and is also Tewa and Ihanktowan Dakota (Yankton Sioux), as a new Senior Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison. In this role Cynthia will work alongside Assistant Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison, Anissa McKenna, to support and grow existing and new Tribal relationships within the Southwest region; facilitate connections between Tribal Nations, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Tribal communities; and conduct outreach and assist Tribal partners in identifying local climate research needs and interpretation of locally relevant research findings. Cynthia will also play a leading role in the facilitation of the 2024 Southwest Adaptation Forum advisory committee.
Cynthia brings 20 years of experience working on environmental issues in the Southwest, including involvement with previous National and Southwest Adaptation Forums. She has been working with and for Tribal and Pueblo governments, including InterTribal consortia and non-profit organizations, in the Southwest throughout her career. She currently serves as the ad hoc chair for the New Mexico Tribal Resilience Action Network (NM TRAN).
Prior to beginning her career, Cynthia earned her Bachelor’s degree in American Indian Studies from Arizona State University. Based in New Mexico, Cynthia joins the SW CASC after serving as the New Mexico Tribal Liaison for the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center. The SW CASC is pleased to welcome Cynthia, and is looking forward to supporting her as she moves into this new position!